Cord Glantz, our Managing Director, was invited into the world of Rolf Benz in Nagold alongside other hotel planners and hoteliers to give a lecture at the Hotelier- und Planertag. This was the result, among other things, of our long-term collaboration with Rolf Benz and particularly with Ramona Oudille, who had initiated the day full of presentations, networking, and a tour of the production, and charmingly guided the program.
This is where Cord Glantz and Matthias Beinlich, Managing Director of the b´mine hotels, presented the joint project b´mine Frankfurt Airport – the only building construction project presented on this day. The two business partners demonstrated the particularities and the unique character of the hotel that opened last March. The good collaboration of Matthias Beinlich and GEPLAN DESIGN is expressed time and again in joint lectures as the one given at the Hotelier- und Planertag. Other presentations, for instance, from product designers, as well as a tour of the Rolf Benz production facility, including an introduction to the utilization of real leather skins and the quality selection of leather followed.